


All schools MUST report cases of sexual abuse to the local police stations or child welfare committee within 24 hours of notice of the abuse or the issue.

Schools must have grievance books, suggestion boxes, and an approachable grievance officer to receive all the concerns or any sensitive issues or any abuse a child is facing.

Schools must conduct counseling and mentoring sessions to create awareness about sexual abuse and how students must be wary of the same.

Caution the girl child and ensure the PP kids too have the sensitization about bad touch and good touch.

The POCSO committee must comprise the Principal, Vice Principal, admin in charge, and also a few senior faculty along with the counselor to ensure regular meetings and strict vigilance is ensured.

School must be under strict CC TV surveillance and ensure safety in all areas.

Female security should always be on rounds to ensure that the students are under the purview of the staff or ayahs or the PET’s

Washrooms must be inspected regularly to ensure safety in the washrooms too.

POCSO is a key policy that has been introduced owing to the safety of both genders as boys too can be a victim of such abuse.

The principal must ensure that the POCSO committee meets regularly and drafts the points of improvement about safety and security.

Parent awareness sessions must be conducted at least twice a term to ensure they too talk to the children and get their regular feedback.

Drivers must not be allowed into the campus or any male

Prevention is better than cure

    Pallavi Model School- in Hyderabad is nurturing dreams, and it is committed to challenging all students to achieve their highest potential.